OUR CAMPUS 2023-2025

Did you know that…

… OUR CAMPUS – A campaign against sexism at the RUB! is active again?

OUR CAMPUS – A campaign against sexism at the RUB! wants to help make our campus a space where everyone can feel comfortable and safe and where sexism and sexualised violence have no place. The project is funded by the RUB and the AKAFÖ and is affiliated with the Anti-Discrimination Office. It has already been running successfully for several years at the Marie Jahoda Center for International Gender Studies (RUB), you can find more information here.

OUR CAMPUS – against sexism at the RUB! wants to raise awareness of this issue and at the same time promote a sense of responsibility for a discrimination-free campus.

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We do this by:

  • Informing and educating campus members about sexism in the university context,
  • strengthening civil courage and solidarity on campus,
  • motivating students to unlearn sexist ways of thinking and behaving,
  • support the development of practical discrimination-sensitive action skills in everyday university life,
  • introduce you to contact points and counselling services.

With following formats:

  • Events, workshops and training,
  • blog posts, social media,
  • an awareness campaign,
  • actions on campus.

With OUR CAMPUS – Against Sexism at RUB! we want to promote a culture of respect and equality on campus. This is only possible if we actively work together to dismantle sexist thoughts and actions and constantly question and educate ourselves. Because everyone is part of our campus. We count on you!

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us via:

unsercampus@rub.de or @antidiscrimination_agency_rub