Below you will find an alphabetical list of contact and advice centers. This list is constantly being expanded and updated. On the map below you will find the contact and advice centers with known addresses.
If you know of a contact point or advice center that we have not yet listed, please contact us!
The basis for this was developed in the first project phase, you can find more detailed information here.
If you feel unsafe or endangered on campus, you can contact the escort service (0234/3227001) or the RUB control room (0234/32 23333) at any time.
RUB-internal offers
RUB Anti-Discrimination Office
What is advised on?
The RUB Anti-Discrimination Office is the central advice, mediation and information point for students, staff and other members of the university who experience or observe discrimination and have questions or need support on the subject.
In which languages is advice given?
German and English
Appointment arrangement
There will be regular consultation hours from 2024. These will take place every Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00.
Please register in advance at:
AKAFÖ in sign language
The AKAFÖ also presents its various services in sign language.
You can also find lots of information on the accessibility of AKAFÖ’s counseling services under the link.
The website works with Google Translate and is therefore available in many languages.
BAföG counseling by the AStA
What is advised on?
In addition to the BAföG office of the AKAFÖ, you can also obtain independent BAföG advice at the AStA. Without any bureaucratic hurdles and long waiting times. Simply drop by with the relevant documents (if available) or make an appointment. Counseling is confidential, anonymous and free of charge.
Topics and questions can be e.g:
- BAföG requirements and basic questions
- Parent-independent BAföG
- Change of subject & allowances
- When and where do I apply for BAföG?
- What documents do I need to submit?
- What is the maximum funding period?
- BAföG repayment and loans
- All other questions about BAföG
You will also find lots of information and links about BAföG on the website.
In which languages is advice given?
Making an appointment
The current office hours are:
Every Tuesday from 14:00 to 18:00. (via Jitsi, with appointment)
Every Wednesday from 09:00 to 15:00 (on site without appointment)
Please request & arrange individual personal appointments by e-mail. A telephone consultation and a consultation via Jitsi are also possible.
Sarah Libkin, SH 011
Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum
Telefon: 0234 32 26702
Accompanying service of the RUB
Anyone who feels unsafe or uncomfortable on their way to the parking garage, bicycle or bus stop at Ruhr-Universität can be accompanied by the security service on campus.
You can request assistance around the clock by calling 0234 32 27001 and a member of staff will be with you in a short time.
The service is free of charge for all RUB students, employees, researchers, lecturers and guests.
You can find more information about the RUB escort service here.
Counseling Center for Inclusion of the AKAFÖ
What is advised on?
The AKAFÖ has its own center for the inclusion of people with disabilities: the BZI. The BZI provides advice on many different topics relating to studying with a disability and/or chronic illness. You can find a list of possible counseling topics here.
The consultation rooms are barrier-free and accessible workstations are also provided.
In which languages is advice given?
German and Englisch
Making an appointment
The BZI is regularly open at the following times:
Mondays to Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
A personal consultation can be arranged by e-mail.
Decentralized Diversity Officers at RUB
Some faculties have their own diversity officers who, in addition to equality, also provide advice and, in case of doubt, networking and referrals. You can find a list here.
Decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer of the RUB
In addition to the central Equal Opportunities Officers (see below), each faculty also has a team of decentralized Equal Opportunities Officers across all status groups. An overview and further information can be found here.
Contact point for trans* and inter* people at RUB
In addition to mediation, discussion and counseling services, the contact point serves as a networking and exchange platform and is aimed at all RUB members.
Anonymous contact is possible at
Psychological student counseling at RUB
What is advised on?
The Psychological Student Counseling…
… supports students with difficulties and in dealing with students in difficult counseling situations
- … is the contact person for student crises
- … offers information events on the topic of (mentally) healthy studying
- … provides training on the topic: “First point of contact in a crisis – what to do?”
In which languages is advice given?
German, English & Spanish (Please specify the desired language when making an appointment).
Making an appointment
By e-mail to:
By telephone:
Mondays 09-10 a.m. under 0234 32 22343
Wednesdays 13-14 o’clock under 0234 32 23884
Fridays 09-10 a.m. under 0234 32 23860
The counselors are bound to confidentiality.
Social counseling by the AStA
What do you advise on?
The AStA’s social counseling service is the first point of contact for any student who has questions about student finance and social matters.
Social counseling services include:
- Laptop loan:
- For example, it is possible to borrow laptops for one or two semesters
- Help fund for foreign students: The social counseling service also provides the
- Acceptance point for applications to the association “Hilfe für ausländische Studierende in Bochum e.V.”:
- The association grants students who are not German nationals or who are treated as such under the European treaties one-off assistance with living expenses if they are unable to cover these themselves.
- Social contribution:
- RUB students who are unable to pay the social contribution for re-registration can apply to have the contribution paid.
Scholarship for student parents:
Students, parents or single parents who are in the final phase of their studies have the opportunity to apply to the association “Spielraum e.V.” for a scholarship. The scholarships are awarded by the association “Spielraum e.V.”, so that the social counseling service does not decide on approval.
Mensa stamps:
Among other things, students in need can also apply for Mensa vouchers to get a hot lunch in the Mensa. In order to receive the Mensa vouchers, an application must be submitted in advance to the social counseling service. If the application is approved, students only have to pay a small fee (approx. 5 euros) to receive the Mensa vouchers.
In which languages is advice given?
German & English
Making an appointment
Office hours:
Mondays from 11 am to 4 pm
Wednesdays from 12 noon to 5 pm
Thursdays from 12 noon to 2 pm
or by individual appointment.
Registration by e-mail at or by telephone on 0234/3223050.
Studying with a child – AKAFÖ
The AKAFÖ offers a wide range of services for students and employees with children.
Lennershof daycare center / CampusKids:
Information on the UniKids project:
Central Equal Opportunities Officer & Equal Opportunities Office
What is advised on?
The Equal Opportunities Office and the Central Equal Opportunities Officer are the points of contact at RUB for all issues relating to equality and equal opportunities. The Equal Opportunities Office is also the point of contact for advice on experiences of discrimination based on sexual identity and gender.
In which languages is advice given?
German & English
Making an appointment
Individual appointments by e-mail. More information here. A consultation via Zoom is also possible!
External offers
Anonymous forensics Bochum
Anonymous forensics offers the possibility of an anonymous medical examination after a rape without having to report it directly to the police.
If you are affected, you can contact the hospitals listed under the link.
The hospitals are located in Bochum, Herne and Witten.
For commuters:
The project is also available in NRW in the Bonn, Bottrop/Gladbeck, Düsseldorf, Düren, Ennepe-Ruhr, Gütersloh, Herford, Paderborn, Cologne, Leverkusen, Münster, Oberbergischer Kreis, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Steinfurt, Wesel and Wuppertal regions.
Further information can be found here.
Anti-racism telephone Essen
The Antiracism Hotline Essen supports victims of racist violence.
The counselling services include communication and mediation in conflicts, help with finding legal advice and language mediators, finding a place in therapy, as well as press work and protest organization.
You can reach the Antiracism Telephone Essen Monday to Friday from 2pm to 6pm on 0201 232060.
Do you want to get involved against racist violence in Essen?
The meeting of activists takes place on Mondays at 5 p.m., open to guests and the curious.
Back Up NRW – Counseling center for victims of right-wing extremist, racist and anti-Semitic violence
Back Up offers advice for victims, relatives and witnesses of racist, right-wing extremist and anti-Semitic violence in NRW.
The website is available in many different languages.
The term violence refers exclusively to physical violence!
The advice center can be reached by telephone on 0231 52484 and 0172 1045432 (Monday to Friday 09-17) and by email at or via the contact form.
Federal Association of Women’s Emergency Calls and Women’s Counseling Centers
On the website of the bff: Federal Association of Women’s Emergency Calls and Women’s Counseling Centers, Women against Violence e.V., you will find information and nationwide counseling services. The website is available in German, English, Turkish and Arabic. The following services are available:
Offers of help and advice // nationwide
Women’s helplines in cases of sexualized violence // nationwide // by phone and in person
Umbrella organization of autonomous women’s advice centres in NRW
The umbrella organization of autonomous women’s advice centres in NRW provides a list of support services and advice centres in NRW on its website.
The topics include sexualized and domestic violence, stalking, digital violence, eating disorders and forced marriage.
You can find advice centers nationwide here.
Dickstinction – Website to report Dickpics
Have you received a so-called dickpic without being asked?
This is a criminal offense in Germany, as it is sexualized harassment!
On the Dickstinction website, you can quickly and easily file a criminal complaint and force the authorities to start an investigation. The website is available in German and English.
The criminal proceedings are free of charge as long as you provide truthful information!
Women’s information network against violence NRW
You can find free places in women’s shelters in NRW quickly and easily on the Women’s Info Network website. The Info-Netz is a project of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Autonomer Frauenhäuser NRW e.V.. You can find more information here.
Hateaid – Counseling center for victims of digital violence
Hateaid is an advice center for those affected by digital violence. In addition to the website, there is also an app to download.
Personal counseling offers individual and emotional support, safety and communication advice, information on digital violence, support with law enforcement and content deletion. Counseling is offered in German and English.
If you want to take legal action against perpetrators, HateAid can also provide advice and help. There is also the option of legal aid.
Contact options as an affected person:
by telephone on 030 252 088 38 (always Mondays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
the quickest way is via the reporting form:
by email with a detailed description of the incident and screenshots to (you will also find a public key for encryption on the site)
For general questions about processes, the project, etc.: 030 252 088 38 (always Tuesdays between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and Wednesdays between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.)
Violence against women helpline
You can call the women’s helpline around the clock on 08000 116 016. All information is treated confidentially.
A chat function and advice in 17 different languages (including sign language, English, Turkish, Russian, French and Spanish) are also offered.
Help hotline for violence against men
The men’s helpline is aimed exclusively at men affected by violence.
The advice center helps with
- Violence related to discrimination
- domestic violence
- Violence in public spaces
- Sexualized violence
- Experiences of violence in childhood
- Forced marriage
- Bullying
- Stalking and cyberstalking
- Psychological violence
The helpline can be reached on 0800 1239900 (Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Advice is available in German, English and Turkish.
It is also possible to fill out a contact form on the site
man-o-mann – Counseling center for men
The man-o-mann counseling center is aimed exclusively at men.
The main areas of counseling are
Fatherhood and father role
The first step is an initial consultation.
Psychological conflict situations & psychosocial and psychological disorders
Help for victims of violence
Help with domestic and/or sexualized violence
Help with self-inflicted violence, aggression and/or depression
The advice center can be reached via:
- the contact form
- by telephone on 0521 68676 (Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Tuesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
- and by e-mail:
Medical Refugee Aid e.V.
Medical Refugee Aid e.V. in Bochum offers various support services for refugees, for example psychological counseling and psychotherapy, the advisory social service for refugees and underage refugees and medical mediation. Counseling is available in Dari/Farsi, French, Georgian, Italian, Russian, Spanish, English and German.
The offer is explicitly aimed at undocumented refugees and refugees with traumatic experiences.
- Es gibt folgende Kontakt- & Hilfsmöglichkeiten:
- 24-hour telephone // Medical mediation on 0176 61593088 or by e-mail (
- Here you can find the flyer for medical mediation in different languages.
- Consultation hours // Medical mediation on 0234 23 54 64 (1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month: 6-7.30 pm) or by email (
- New admissions and consultation hours // Psychotherapy on 0234 973 533 54 (Tuesday from 1 to 5 pm and Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm & 2 to 4 pm)
- Telephone consultation // Psychotherapy on 0234 913 87 43 (Tuesdays from 2 to 3 pm)
- New admissions and consultation hours // Social services for refugees on 0234 973 533 94 (Tuesday from 1 to 5 p.m. and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 to 4 p.m.)
MIRA e. V. is a meeting place for women of different cultures and ethnicities. The association was founded in Bochum in August 2000 to provide a place for women to get to know, exchange and strengthen their culturally specific experiences.
MIRA e.V. is committed to:
the improvement of the living situation of all women the reduction of prejudice and discrimination in the family, at work and in society the reduction of racism and the promotion of respect and tolerance equal participation in society
MIRA e.V. offers advice on
- separation and divorce
- social law issues
- questions relating to immigration law
- crisis management
- life planning
- professional orientation
- domestic violence
- forced marriage, sexist or racist discrimination and violence
- discrimination and violence
Psychosocial counseling, various German courses and an international women’s breakfast are also offered.
Counseling is available in German, Kurdish and English. Other languages are available on request. All social counselors and volunteers are of course bound to confidentiality.
Consultation appointments by arrangement
9.00-12.00 o’clock
Mobile counseling against right-wing extremism NRW
Mobile advice is available in all five administrative districts in NRW:
Administrative district of Arnsberg
Administrative district of Detmold
Administrative district of Düsseldorf
Administrative district of Köln
Administrative district of Münster
Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus e.V. is committed to a democratic civil society in which racism and anti-Semitism and right-wing extremist activities must be addressed and combated.
The advice service is aimed at individuals, clubs, round tables etc., for example in cases of racist and anti-Semitic violence, infiltration by right-wing extremists in sports clubs or what to do if right-wing extremists want to rent rooms and much more.
Nora e.V. – Women’s advice center in Bochum
The women’s advice center Nora e.V. helps with all kinds of problems.
Counseling is provided by professional counselors in German and English and is free of charge and confidential.
Open consultation: by telephone on 0234 9629995 and 0234 9629996 (Tuesday between 2 and 4 pm and Thursday from 10 am to 12 noon)
Appointments can also be made by telephone or e-mail to:
The NO STALK app from the Weißer Ring is used to document stalking incidents. The data provides the police with direct evidence. The permanent availability of the app also encourages you to record every incident. The app is available in German in the Apple and Google Playstore.
You can find a video explaining the app here and further information on the topic of self-help here.
If you have any questions, you can contact
Ofek e.V. – Counseling center for anti-Semitic violence and discrimination
OFEK e.V. is a counseling center for cases of anti-Semitic violence and discrimination based in Berlin with a nationwide focus.
Counseling is multilingual (German, English, Russian, Hebrew), confidential, free of charge and anonymous if desired.
The nationwide telephone hotline is available on 0800 664 52 68 and 0176 458 755 32 at the following times:
Mondays 4-6pm
Tuesdays 10am-12pm
Wednesdays 12-14 o’clock
Thursdays 10am-12pm
Fridays 12-14 o’clock
Personal consultations can also be arranged by e-mail at
Victim counseling Rhineland – Counseling and support for victims of right-wing extremist and racist violence
The Rhineland Victim Counseling Center helps victims of right-wing extremist and racist violence.
The counselling service is offered in German, English, French, Russian and Arabic and includes answers to legal questions, accompaniment to the police and visits to the authorities, the organization of legal assistance, medical or therapeutic help and the search for interpreters. In addition, if desired, public solidarity. The advice is free, confidential, local, anonymous (if desired) and independent of the authorities.
How to get in touch:
By telephone on 0178 8113900, online or by email
There is also a reporting form for reporting racist attacks.
Bochum Police Headquarters – Victim Protection & Crime Prevention
The police’s victim protection and crime prevention unit is responsible for issues such as violence against girls and women and stalking.
Victim protection can be reached by telephone on 0234 9094040 and by e-mail at
Direct contact to the victim protection officers:
by e-mail at
by telephone on 0234 9094053 or 0234 9094050
In other cities, simply search for victim protection, the city where you live and police headquarters.
Queer Handicap e.V. – Association for LGBTIQ+ with disabilities
Queer Handicap e.V. is a Germany-wide association for LGBTQI+ people with disabilities.
- The association offers a wide range of activities:
- Network for queer people with disabilities
- Counseling services for equally affected people
- Tips for barrier-free counseling services for queer people
- and much more.
You can contact the association here.
To stay up to date, you can subscribe to the newsletter here.
You can find the advisory services here. Regional contacts are also listed there.
Department for Equality, Family and Inclusion of the City of Bochum
The Department for Equality, Family and Inclusion of the City of Bochum offers advice for single parents, family advice, advice on family benefits and childcare placement advice, among other things.
- The following services are offered on the website:
- Equality plan for family-friendly employers
- Various flyers and brochures on topics such as domestic violence, stalking and rape
- Information on initiatives to support girls
The department can be contacted by telephone on 0234 9101155 or by e-mail at
Rosa Strippe e.V. – Psychosocial counseling center for LGBTQI+ people in Bochum
Rosa Strippe e.V. offers psychosocial counseling for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter, and queer people. Counseling is available by email, telephone and in person.
- You can contact them in the following ways:
- Helpline // Crisis and information hotline on 0234 19446 (Mondays to Thursdays from 4 to 8 p.m.)
- Telephone trans* counseling on 0234 19446 (Mondays from 1 to 6 p.m. and Fridays from 1 to 6 p.m.)
- Secure email counseling (also for appointments)
- Quick help in person (Mondays to Thursdays from 4 to 8 pm); barrier-free access for people with and without disabilities
- Online reporting of cases of violence
RUBICON Köln – Counseling services for LGBTQI+ people
rubicon e.v. offers counseling services, health promotion and support for people who define themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, inter* or queer.
- The advisory service covers the following topics:
- Anti-Gewalt
- Migration
- Age
- Family
- School
Telephone counseling is always available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 12pm on 0221 19446. Anonymous online counseling is also available.
Further questions can be sent by email to
Suse helps – bff project to empower women and girls with disabilities
‚Suse hilft‘ is a project of the bff to empower women and girls with disabilities. Here you can find information, help and advice.
Weißer Ring e.V. – Bochum branch office
The Weisse Ring offers advice and help for victims of crime, sexualized and domestic violence and stalking. Multilingual counseling is also available on request.
The victim hotline can be reached anonymously, nationwide and free of charge every day from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on 116006.
The Bochum branch can be contacted by telephone on 0234 413398 and by e-mail at
Weißer Ring e.V. – Violence against men
The Weisse Ring also offers special information and assistance for men who have been victims of violence.
Here you will find the number of the victim hotline (116 006, available daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.), local counseling services and online counseling.
The offers are all free, anonymous and nationwide!
White Ribbon Australia – Campaign against male violence
The White Ribbon campaign, originating in Australia, is a worldwide campaign against violence against women and children by men.
On this page you will find a lot of information on the following topics:
What enables violence against women?
Plus tips and help for prevention strategies and lots of facts and figures on the topic!
How is violence against women defined?
What is gender-based violence?
You too can make a start by informing yourself!
Wildwasser Bochum – Counseling center for victims of sexualized violence and prevention
Wildwasser Bochum is a specialist advice center for victims of sexualized violence, primarily for girls aged 16 and over and women, and accompanying persons.
Counseling is low-threshold, anonymous and confidential.
Wildwasser Bochum can be reached by telephone on 0234 7945652, Tuesdays from 3 to 5 p.m. and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and by e-mail at
Wohindo Dortmund – Angebot zur Wohnungssuche für Geflüchtete
Wohindo ‚Wohnen in Dortmund‘ is an offer from Planerladen e.V. for refugees and EU immigrants who are looking for an apartment in Dortmund.
It explains in individual steps what is expected from the authorities and where you can go. Information is also provided about your own rights.
The service is offered in the following languages: German, English, Arabic, Romanian, Turkish, Bulgarian.